About Maria Olsson

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So far Maria Olsson has created 157 blog entries.

Meet our new colleague!

We would like to welcome Katrine Lundgren to our team! Katrine is currently finishing up with her studies to become a doctor, and will be doing her dissertation here with us in NorthPop this autumn. She will be looking at data from the NorthPop project and investigating if there are any differences in health between

2,000 families involved in NorthPop!

We are pleased to announce that we have reached an important target in the NorthPop study. There are now 2,000 families involved with NorthPop, meaning we are well on our way to reaching our target of 10,000! This makes about 6,000 individual participants so far in total!  The health data collected in the study is

Maternal weight and infections in early childhood: a cohort study

Children born to overweight mothers are at greater risk of complications during childbirth and congenital malformations. Some minor cohort studies have shown a connection between the overweight of the mother and the risk of infection in the child. In a cohort study led by Sven-Arne Silfverdal (one of our researchers in NorthPop) it was investigated


The NorthPop study is ever growing and soon we will reach 2000 families participating in the study. We have received some adorable summer inspired photos from our parents, these can be viewed using this link: https://www.northpop.se/sommarbilder2018/ Thank you for sending in your beautiful summer photos! :) We wish you a wonderful summer! 

NorthPop Workshop!

Thank you to all of you who participated in our workshop last Monday! We had some very interesting lectures that lead to some great group discussions in the afternoon. We hope this will build the foundation of some new exciting collaborations in the future. See you all next year!


Yesterday there was a feature on TV4 about NORTHPOP's research, which is now in a new phase. The TV crew filmed Signe, who was there to take a blood sample which could then be tested for allergies. All children that participate in the study will be invited to take this test at 1.5 years old. 

NORTHPOP features in Umeå Tidning article

The children participating in NORTHPOP have now turned 1.5 years old. As some of the project's participants were tested for allergies, Umeå Tidning was there to report on their experiences so far, interviewing Edvin and his mother Kristina, and Christina West, the senior physician responsible for asthma and allergy research. Read the articles here: https://www.umeatidning.se/artiklarna/reportage/1059-kanns-som-ett-enkelt-satt-att-bidra https://www.umeatidning.se/artiklarna/reportage/1058-stor-befolkningsstudie-tar-nasta-steg


We took the first tests for our study on allergies at 18 months last week. SVT were here to interview our participant Edvin Lalos and mother Kristina about their experiences, and Christina West who is responsible for asthma and allergy research in Northpop. Links to the article can be found below: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vasterbotten/forskare-vill-kartlagga-10-000-barn-fran-fosterstadiet https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vasterbotten/se-nar-lille-edvin-lamnar-sina-prover  

Global birth season study links environment with disease risk

Studies have shown that babies born in winter tend to have a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes at some point, while fall babies have a greater lifetime risk of depression. In a new analysis of health information from more than 10 million patients living in three countries and five different climates, data scientists

Josefine has defended her thesis!

We would like to congratulate our colleague Josefine Starnberg who defended her thesis 23 February. The titel is of her thesis is: Neurodevelopment and cardiovascular risk in 7-year old children born with marginally low birth weight https://www.umu.se/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=4540&languageId=3&contentId=290299 Congratulations Josefine!

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