About Maria Olsson

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So far Maria Olsson has created 157 blog entries.

Winter Baby Olympics!

We simply had to post this video! What would the Winter Olympics look like if babies had their own version? Warning - cute factor!

International Twins Day!

Today's the International Twins Day, we would therefore like to take the opportunity to celebrate all the families with twins out there. About 3000 twins are born every year in Sweden and 24 of these are participating in the Northpop study!    

Christmas pictures from our participants!

We sent out a request earlier in December asking for Christmas pictures from all participants in our study. The response we got was amazing! Thank you to all of you that sent in your photos! We have put together a little collage below. MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Bowel bacteria and obesity

Most of us know that there are lots of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. But what many do not know is that these bacteria weigh 1 to 2 kg and have about one hundred times more genes than one person! They are of great importance to our well-being, health and are proposed to reduce the

1000 babies now part of the Northpop study!

We now have 1000 babies born and over 1300 families participating in the Northpop study! A big thank you goes out to the team and all the parents that make this study possible!  

Being overweight increasingly common in the world

Excess weight and obesity during childhood is associated with great risks to future health. Body mass index (BMI, which is the weight in kg divided by the square of the height in cm) is a common measure of excess weight and obesity even though normal values for children are different from those of adults. A summary of the situation

Seinäjoko model to combat obesity in children and adolescents

We often read reports of obesity and overweight increasing worldwide and that these trends are hard to reverse. We are therefore pleased to learn that there are examples of public health projects that have managed to reverse this trend. In Läkartididningen nr 37 there is a report from the city of Seinäjoki in southern Ostrobothnia. They have, by encouraging students to

Small children have accidents – often their teeth are affected

One of the most common accidents to occur to small children is that they fall and hit their teeth. Mostly at 1-2 years of age when they first learn to go and start climbing. Statistics show that games, sports, fights and traffic are where most accidents occur among children and adolescents. Among the youngest children

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