About Maria Olsson

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So far Maria Olsson has created 157 blog entries.

The Northpop study in the magazine Allergia

The Northpop study was highlighted in the Swedish magazine Allergia (link to article), where the researcher Christina West and the midwife Hanna Nyström participated in the magazine. The article was written by Yvonne Rittvall.

Northpop study at Fråga doktorn

On the 7th of November 2016, the Northpop study was published at the television program "Fråga doktorn". Click here to see the program. It starts at 8:27.

250 participants!

The Northpop study has gained 250 participants, which we celebrated with a cake.


On Monday 9 May, the Northpop study will kick off. After several years of planning, it’s at last time to start! There will be a party at the specialist maternity care clinic and everyone is welcome to come, young and old! Welcome!

“Forskningsnytt”, theme Northpop

The latest issue of Forskningsnytt on the theme of Northpop will soon be sent out to all child healthcare centres in Västerbotten. You can read the latest issue here: Forskningsnytt Tema: Northpop

Northpop on the Internet!

On Friday 15 April, our new website will be launched. There, you can read about the study and sign up as a participant.

New Northpop-recipe!

I samarbete med barndietist och gastronom Ulrica Johansson så får deltagarna i Northpop-studien tillgång till goda och näringsrika recept på sin personliga inloggningssida. Idag har receptbanken uppdaterats med två goda drycker.  

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