Meet the research team!
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He is an internationally renowned researcher. One of his areas of research is child nutrition (feeding) and the role that plays for the child’s health and development later on in life.
The goal is to find effective, preventive strategies to slow down the epidemic of modern lifestyle diseases such as allergy illnesses. To achieve that goal, Christina is collaborating with other research teams in international networks.
The research that is closest to Sven-Arne’s heart is the research that showed the importance of breastfeeding for protection against and the reduction of the risk of infectious diseases and improved immunity response after vaccination.
Inger’s research has focused primarily on how children’s food and intake of nutrition affect health from different perspectives such as blood fats, growth and body composition, vitamin and iron status. The focus at the moment is on how much Vitamin D children in Sweden need to avoid a state of deficiency.
Ingers forskning har främst handlat om hur barnens mat och näringsintag påverkar hälsan ur olika aspekter som blodfetter, tillväxt och kroppssammansättning, vitamin och järnstatus. Just nu är fokus på hur mycket D-vitamin som barn i Sverige behöver för att undvika bristtillstånd.
Ingrid is leading research projects in Sweden and is responsible for research projects in Vietnam, Tanzania, Rwanda, Australia and Norway.